

Where is WEBTOON’s corporate headquarters?

Our corporate headquarters is in Los Angeles, California.

When was WEBTOON founded?

WEBTOON was founded in 2005.

Where is WEBTOON incorporated?

WEBTOON was incorporated in Delaware in 2016.

When did WEBTOON Entertainment go public and what is its stock symbol?

WEBTOON Entertainment went public on June 27, 2024 and trades on the Nasdaq under the symbol ‘WBTN.’

When is WEBTOON’s fiscal year end?

Our fiscal year ends on December 31st.

What is WEBTOON’s CUSIP number?

WEBTOON’s CUSIP number is 94845U 105.

How do I invest in WEBTOON?

WEBTOON’s common stock can be purchased on the open market through a registered broker.

Who is WEBTOON’s independent auditor?

WEBTOON’s independent auditor is Samil PricewaterhouseCoopers.

Does WEBTOON pay a cash dividend?

WEBTOON does not currently pay a cash dividend.

Does WEBTOON have a direct stock purchase plan?

WEBTOON does not currently have a direct stock purchase plan.

Who is WEBTOON’s transfer agent and what is their contact information?

Computershare Trust Company, N.A. is the Stock Transfer Agent and Registrar for WEBTOON. 
Address: 480 Washington Blvd Jersey City, NJ 07310
Phone number: 201-912-1420

How can I get historical and other financial documents for WEBTOON?

You can find historical and other financial documents for WEBTOON at

Who should I contact regarding investor inquiries?

You can contact us at

How do I get added to WEBTOON’s email distribution list?

To be added to WEBTOON’s email distribution list, please subscribe here.

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